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\title {Philosophical Psychology \\ 11: The Motor Theory of Goal Tracking}

11: The Motor Theory of Goal Tracking

\def \ititle {11: The Motor Theory of Goal Tracking}
\iemail %
\section{Pure Goal Tracking}
\section{Pure Goal Tracking}
An account of pure goal tracking is an account of how you could in principle infer facts about the goals to which actions are directed from facts about joint displacements, bodily configurations and their effects (e.g. sounds).
An account of pure goal ascription is an account of how you could in principle infer facts about the goals to which actions are directed from facts about joint displacements, bodily configurations and their effects (e.g. sounds). Such an account is a computational theory of pure goal ascription.

pure goal tracking

Infer The Goals from The Evidence

The Goals: facts which goals particular actions are directed to...

The Evidence: facts about events and states of affairs that could be known without knowing which goals any particular actions are directed to, nor any facts about particular mental states ...

Be sure about the topic

goal ascription    goal tracking

Two forms of goal ascription, representational and functional (\citealp{gallese:2011_what}). In \emph{representational goal ascription}, three things must be represented: an action, an outcome and the relation between this outcome and the action in virtue of which the outcome is a goal of the action. % jacob:2012_sharing: ‘Ascribing a goal to an agent consists in forming a belief (or judgment) about an agent that he or she has a goal or is performing some goal-directed action.’ In \emph{functional goal ascription}, the relation between action and outcome is captured without being represented. To say that this relation is \emph{captured} is to say that there is a process which ensures that the outcome represented is a goal of the action.
Motor representations cannot suffice for representational goal ascription. It is true that, in someone observing an action there can be motor representations of outcomes which, non accidentally, are the goals of the observed action. But this is not enough. There would have to be, in addition, a motor representation of an intention, or of a motor representation or of some other goal-state, or of a function. But there are no such motor representations.

Goal tracking matters for

identifying mental states

Because ascriptions of mental states are based on observed behaviours.

identifying effects of actions

predicting when an event of interest will occur

learning how to do things

Our primary concern here with behaviour reading is as a potential basis for abilities to track others’ mental states without representing them. But behaviour reading is plausibly important in other ways. In mindreaders, behaviour reading is thought to be useful or even necessary for identifying intentions and other mental states (\citealp[p.~861]{Newtson:1977dw}; \citealp[p.~708]{Baldwin:2001rn}). Behaviour reading may also matter for efficiently representing events \citep{Kurby:2008bk}, identifing the likely effects of actions \citep{Byrne:1999jk}, predicting when an event likely to be of interest will occur \citep[p.~121]{Swallow:2008cf}, and learning through observation how to do things \citep{Byrne:2003wx}. And of course a special case of pure behaviour reading, ‘speech perception’, underpins communication by language in humans.
Start with a case in which behaviour reading is clearly involved. I take Byrne’s study to demonstrate that chimps are capable of sophisticated behaviour reading. But how might they represent behaviours?
The procedure for preparing a nettle to eat while avoiding contact with its stings is shown in \vref{fig:byrne_2003_fig1}. It involves multiple steps. Some steps may be repeated varying numbers of times, and not all steps occur in every case. The fact that gorillas can learn this and other procedures for acquiring and preparing food by observing others’ behaviour suggests that they have sophisticated behaviour reading abilities \citep[p.~513]{Byrne:2003wx}. If we understood the nature of these behaviour reading abilities and their limits, we might be better able to understand their abilities to track mental states too.

Byrne 2003, figure 1

‘great apes [are] able to acquire complex and elaborate local traditions of food acquisition, some of them involving tool use’ \citep[p~513]{Byrne:2003wx}
So even quite sophisticated behaviour reading is possible without any reliance on communication by language. We can therefore think of behaviour reading as foundational for any kind of radical interpretation.
[background] ‘Nettles, Laportea alatipes, are an important food of mountain gorillas in Rwanda (Watts 1984), rich in protein and low in secondary compounds and structural carbohydrate (Waterman et al. 1983). Unfortunately for the gorillas, this plant is 'defended' by powerful stinging hairs, especially dense on the stem, petioles and leaf-edges. All gorillas in the local population process nettles in broadly the same way, a technique that minimizes contact of sting- ing hairs with their hands and lips (Byrne & Byrne 1991; figure 1). A series of small transformations is made to plant material: stripping leaves off stems, accumulating larger bundles of leaves, detachment of petioles, picking out unwanted debris, and finally folding a package of leaf blades within a single leaf before ingestion. The means by which each small change is made are idiosyncratic and variable with context (Byrne & Byrne 1993), thus presum- ably best learned by individual experience. However, the overall sequence of five discrete stages in the process is standardized and appears to be essential for efficiency (Byrne et al. 2001a).’ \citep[pp.~531--2]{Byrne:2003wx}
‘Like other complex feeding tasks in great apes, preparing nettles is a hierarchically organized skill, showing considerable flexibility: stages that are occasionally unnecessary are omitted, and sections of the process (of one or several ordered stages) are often repeated iteratively to a criterion apparently based on an adequate size of food bundle (Byrne & Russon 1998).’ \citep[pp.~532]{Byrne:2003wx}

The Teleological Stance

\section{The Teleological Stance}
\section{The Teleological Stance}
The Teleological Stance (Gergeley and Csibra , 1995) provides a computational theory of pure goal ascription. Pure goal ascription is the process of identifying goals to which anothers’ actions are directed independently of any knowledge, or beliefs about, the intentions or other mental states of an agent.
In the lecture on behaviour reading last week, I offered a brief survey of mechanisms that could be involved in getting from joint displacements and bodily configurations to larger, more abstract bits of behaviour grouped into units in ways that reflect structures of action.

The ‘Teleological Stance’
~ The goals of an action are those outcomes which the means is a best available way of bringing about.

Csibra & Gergely


1. This outcome, G, is the goal (specification)

2. Means m is a best available* way of bringing G about

3. ∴ adopt m


1. This means, m, has been adopted (observation)

2. G is an outcome such that: m is a best available* way of bringing G about

3. ∴ G is a goal of the observed action

So planning is the process of moving from goals to means, whereas tracking goes in the reverse direction, from means to goals. But what is common to the two is the relation between means and goals. In both cases, planning and goal-tracking, the means that are adopted should be a best available way of bringing the goal about.
Note that this is not exactly an answer to our question, How can infants track goals from nine months of age (or earlier)? It provides what Marr would call a computational description.
That is, it provides a function from facts about events and states of affairs that could be known without knowing which goals any particular actions are directed to, nor any facts about particular mental states to one or more outcomes which are the goals of an action.
Providing this function explains how pure goal-tracking is possible in principle.
But what we want to know, of course, is how infants (and adults) actually compute this function. If this is (roughly) the function which computationally describes pure goal tracking, what are the representations and processes involved in pure goal tracking?
An we need to know how they compute to which outcome a means is the best available.

‘an action can be explained by a goal state if, and only if, it is seen as the most justifiable action towards that goal state that is available within the constraints of reality’


Csibra & Gergely (1998, 255)

1. action a is directed to some goal;

2. actions of a’s type are normally means of realising outcomes of G’s type;

3. no available alternative action is a significantly better* means of realising outcome G;

4. the occurrence of outcome G is desirable;

5. there is no other outcome, G′, the occurrence of which would be at least comparably desirable and where (2) and (3) both hold of G′ and a


6. G is a goal to which action a is directed.

We start with the assumption that we know the event is an action.
Why normally? Because of the ‘seen as’.
Any objections?
I have an objection. Consider a case in which I perform an action directed to the outcome of pouring some hot tea into a mug. Could this pattern of inference imply that the outcome be the goal of my action? Only if it also implies that moving my elbow is a goal of my action as well. And pouring some liquid. And moving air in a certain way. And ...
How can we avoid this objection?
Doesn’t this conflict with the aim of explaining *pure* behaviour reading? Not if desirable is understood as something objective. [explain]
Now we are almost done, I think.
OK, I think this is reasonably true to the quote. So we’ve understood the claim. But is it true?
How good is the agent at optimising the selection of means to her goals? And how good is the observer at identifying the optimality of means in relation to outcomes? \textbf{ For optimally correct goal ascription, we want there to be a match between (i) how well the agent can optimise her choice of means and (i) how well the observer can detect such optimality.} Failing such a match, the inference will not result in correct goal ascription.
But I don’t think this is an objection to the Teleological Stance as a computational theory of pure goal ascription. It is rather a detail which concerns the next level, the level of representations and algorithms. The computational theory imposes demands at the next level.
‘Such calculations require detailed knowledge of biomechanical factors that determine the motion capabilities and energy expenditure of agents. However, in the absence of such knowledge, one can appeal to heuristics that approximate the results of these calculations on the basis of knowledge in other domains that is certainly available to young infants. For example, the length of pathways can be assessed by geometrical calculations, taking also into account some physical factors (like the impenetrability of solid objects). Similarly, the fewer steps an action sequence takes, the less effort it might require, and so infants’ numerical competence can also contribute to efficiency evaluation.’ \citep{csibra:2013_teleological}
So this is the teleological stance, a computational description of goal ascription.
Although this is rarely noted, I think the Teleological Stance takes us beyond Dennett’s intentional stance because it allows us to distinguish between people on the basis of what they do. You reach for the red box; your goal is to retrieve the food. I reach for the blue box, so my goal is to retrieve the poison.
But there is a problem for the Teleological Stance ...

How is this computed?


The Motor Theory of Goal Tracking

\section{The Motor Theory of Goal Tracking}
\section{The Motor Theory of Goal Tracking}
How do humans track the goals of others’ actions? According to the Motor Theory of Goal Tracking, it is sometimes* by means of motor processes. More carefully, the Motor Theory of Goal Tracking consists of these claims: (1) in action observation, possible outcomes of observed actions are represented motorically; (2) these representations trigger motor processes much as if the observer were performing actions directed to the outcomes; (3) such processes generates predictions; (4) a triggering representation is weakened if the predictions it generates fail. The result is that, often enough, the only only outcomes to which the observed action is a means are represented strongly. (*‘sometimes’ because the Motor Theory is part of a dual-process account of goal-tracking.)
\emph{The Motor Theory of Goal Tracking} Infants’ pure goal-tracking depends on the double life of motor processes.
According to the \emph{Motor Theory of Goal Tracking}, infants (and adults) sometimes track the goals of others’ by means of motor processes \citep[see][for details]{sinigaglia:2015_puzzle}.
More carefully the \emph{Motor Theory of Goal Tracking} states that: \begin{enumerate} \item in action observation, possible outcomes of observed actions are represented motorically; \item these representations trigger motor processes much as if the observer were performing actions directed to the outcomes; \item such processes generates predictions; \item a triggering representation is weakened if the predictions it generates fail. \end{enumerate} The result is that, often enough, the only only outcomes to which the observed action is a means are represented strongly.

The Simple View

The principles comprising the Teleological Stance are things we know or believe, and we are able to track goals by making inferences from these principles and our beliefs about the means someone is pursuing.

Infants and adults engaged in goal-tracking reason about to which outcome a means is the best available in fundamentally the same way that you or I do when trying to work it out explicitly.
Although I don’t think they have written about it in quite the terms I use, I take Gergely and Csibra to be endorsing the Simple View.

‘when taking the teleological stance one-year-olds apply the same inferential principle of rational action that drives everyday mentalistic reasoning about intentional actions in adults’

(Gergely and Csibra 2003; cf. Csibra, Bíró, et al. 2003; Csibra and Gergely 1998: 259)

The Double Life of Motor Representation

Suppose you are reaching for, grasping, transporting and then placing a pen. Performing even relatively simple action sequences like this involves satisfying many constraints that cannot normally be satisfied by explicit practical reasoning, especially if performance is to be rapid and fluent. Rather, such performances require motor representations. These representations are paradigmatically involved in preparing, executing and monitoring actions.% \footnote{% See \citet{wolpert:1995internal, miall:1996_forward, jeannerod:1998nbo, zhang:2007_planning}. Note that motor representations sometimes occur in an agent who has prepared an action and is required (as it turns out) not to perform it: although she has prevented herself from acting, motor representations specifying the action persist, perhaps because they are necessary for monitoring whether prevention has succeeded \citep{bonini:2014_ventral}. } But they also live a double life. Motor representations concerning a particular type of action are involved not only in performing an action of that type but also sometimes in observing one. That is, if you were to observe Ayesha reach for, grasp, transport and then place a pen, motor representations would occur in you much like those that would also occur in you if it were you---not Ayesha---who was doing this.
Converging evidence for this assertion comes from a variety of methods and measures; but I won’t mention any of that here.
Recall this, it’s time to make good on the answer ...

Old Puzzle

What are those motor representations doing here?

Motor representations concerning the goals of observed actions sometimes facilitate the identification of goals.

New Question


Question: How is it that motor representations concerning the goals of observed actions sometimes facilitate identification of goals?

Motor Theory of Goal Tracking (including Speech Perception)

mTgt is an alternative to the Simple View. The idea is that pure goal-tracking involves motor processes rather than thinking and reasoning about goals.
But how could motor processes enable goal tracking?
At this point it is helpful to think about speech. To utter a phoneme is to produce complex coordinated movements of the lips, larynx, tongue and velum. Further, how these should be moved and what sound should be produced depends on many factors including phonemic context, rate of speech and prosody.
So uttering a phoneme is unlike pressing a key on a piano keyboard: it not a matter of producing a particular sound but of performing a complex, goal-directed action.
We know from Riikka Möttönen’s research that there is striking new evidence for what is sometimes called the Motor Theory of Speech Perception.
So speech perception is special case of goal-tracking. The perceiver’s task is to recover the goal to which the utterance of a phoneme is directed.
mTgt is simply a generalisation of the Motor Theory of Speech Perception
In performing an action, there are motor processes which compute means given goals. The same processes can be used when observing an action for tracking goals.
Outcomes such as reaching for and grasping of a cup can be represented motorically.
As a body of research on mirror neurons and motor simulation more generally demonstrates, motor representations of outcomes can generate expectations concerning another agent’s behaviour
These expectations are plausibly compared with the behavior that is actually observed.
And we conjecture that the result of this comparison modulates the strength of the motor representation of the outcome.
Within limits, this modulation will ensures that an outcome represented motorically is likely to be a goal of the observed action.
In this way, motor representations enable goal tracking.

Sinigalia & Butterfill 2015, figure 1

Goal-tracking is acting in reverse. -- in action observation, possible outcomes of observed actions are represented -- these representations trigger planning as if performing actions directed to the outcomes -- such planning generates predictions -- a triggering representation is weakened if its predictions fail The result is that the only only outcomes to which the observed action is a means are represented strongly.
There is evidence that a motor representation of an outcome can cause a determination of which movements are likely to be performed to achieve that outcome \citep[see, for instance,][]{kilner:2004_motor, urgesi:2010_simulating}. Further, the processes involved in determining how observed actions are likely to unfold given their outcomes are closely related, or identical, to processes involved in performing actions. This is known in part thanks to studies of how observing actions can facilitate performing actions congruent with those observed, and can interfere with performing incongruent actions \citep{ brass:2000_compatibility, craighero:2002_hand, kilner:2003_interference, costantini:2012_does}. Planning-like processes in action observation have also been demonstrated by measuring observers' predictive gaze. If you were to observe just the early phases of a grasping movement, your eyes might jump to its likely target, ignoring nearby objects \citep{ambrosini:2011_grasping}. These proactive eye movements resemble those you would typically make if you were acting yourself \citep{Flanagan:2003lm}. Importantly, the occurrence of such proactive eye movements in action observation depends on your representing the outcome of an action motorically; even temporary interference in the observer's motor abilities will interfere with the eye movements \citep{Costantini:2012fk}. These proactive eye movements also depend on planning-like processes; requiring the observer to perform actions incongruent with those she is observing can eliminate proactive eye movements \citep{Costantini:2012uq}. This, then, is further evidence for planning-like motor processes in action observation.
So observers represent outcomes motorically and these representations trigger planning-like processes which generate expectations about how the observed actions will unfold and their sensory consequences. Now the mere occurrence of these processes is not sufficient to explain why, in action observation, an outcome represented motorically is likely to be an outcome to which the observed action is directed.
To take a tiny step further, we conjecture that, in action observation, \textbf{motor representations of outcomes are weakened to the extent that the expectations they generate are unmet} \citep[compare][]{Fogassi:2005nf}. A motor representation of an outcome to which an observed action is not directed is likely to generate incorrect expectations about how this action will unfold, and failures of these expectations to be met will weaken the representation. This is what ensures that there is a correspondence between outcomes represented motorically in observing actions and the goals of those actions.

The Motor Theory of Goal Tracking
is part of a dual-process theory ...

The mTgt cannot be a full theory of goal-tracking in adults, of course. Instead we need a dual process theory of goal-tracking.
But what is a dual process theory of goal-tracking? I’m so glad you asked. It’s very simple ...
‘proactive gaze’ and ‘explicit judgement’ are variables whose values represent whether there is a proactive gaze or explicit judgement, and what is it to or about. Likewise, ‘motor process’ is a variable whose values represent ...
The lines depict how the variables are causally related. I’ve used thick and thin lines informally, to indicate weaker and stronger influences.
The dual-process theory of goal-tracking makes perfect sense of development. It says that what we observe in six- and nine-month-olds is motor-based goal-tracking. Presumably the more flexible, reasoning-based goal-tracking processes emerge some time later in development.

Marr’s Threefold Distinction

\section{Marr’s Threefold Distinction}
\section{Marr’s Threefold Distinction}
Marr helpfully distinguishes computational description (What is the thing for and how does it achieve this?) from representations and algorithms (How are the inputs and outputs represented, and how is the transformation accomplished?) and from the hardware implementation (How are the representations and algorithms physically realised?)
\citet[p.~22ff]{Marr:1982kx} distinguishes:
\item computational description---What is the thing for and how does it achieve this?
\item representations and algorithms---How are the inputs and outputs represented, and how is the transformation accomplished?
\item hardware implementation---How are the representations and algorithms physically realised?
One possibility is to appeal to David Marr’s famous three-fold distinction bweteen levels of description of a system: the computational theory, the representations and algorithm, and the hardware implementation.
This is easy to understand in simple cases. To illustrate, consider a GPS locator. It receives information from four satellites and tells you where on Earth the device is.
There are three ways in which we can characterise this device.

1. computational description

First, we can explain how in theory it is possible to infer the device’s location from it receives from satellites. This involves a bit of maths: given time signals from four different satellites, you can work out what time it is and how far you are away from each of the satellites. Then, if you know where the satellites are and what shape the Earth is, you can work out where on Earth you are.

-- What is the thing for and how does it achieve this?

The computational description tells us what the GPS locator does and what it is for. It also establishes the theoretical possibility of a GPS locator.
But merely having the computational description does not enable you to build a GPS locator, nor to understand how a particular GPS locator works. For that you also need to identify representations and alogrithms ...

2. representations and algorithms

At the level of representations and algorthms we specify how the GPS receiver represents the information it receives from the satellites (for example, it might in principle be a number, a vector or a time). We also specify the algorithm the device uses to compute the time and its location. The algorithm will be different from the computational theory: it is a procedure for discovering time and location. The algorithm may involve all kinds of shortcuts and approximations. And, unlike the computational theory, constraints on time, memory and other limited resources will be evident.
So an account of the representations and algorithms tells us ...

-- How are the inputs and outputs represented, and how is the transformation accomplished?

3. hardware implementation

The final thing we need to understand the GPS locator is a description of the hardware in which the algorithm is implemented. It’s only here that we discover whether the device is narrowly mechanical device, using cogs, say, or an electronic device, or some new kind of biological entity.

-- How are the representations and algorithms physically realised?

The hardware implementation tells us how the representations and algorithms are represented physically.

Marr (1992, 22ff)

How is this relevant to the teleological stance? It provides a computational description of goal ascription. Whereas the Motor Theory provides an account of the representations and algorithms
I suggest that an account of radical interpretation is suppsoed to provide a computational description of social cognition; it tells us what social cognition is for and how, in the most abstract sense, it is possible.

The ‘Teleological Stance’
~ The goals of an action are those outcomes which the means is a best available way of bringing about.

Csibra & Gergely


1. This means, m, has been adopted (observation)

2. G is an outcome such that: m is a best available* way of bringing G about

3. ∴ G is a goal of the observed action

Important that mTgt is not an alternative to the Teleological Stance but to it plus the claim about reasoning.
Simple View and mTgt do not differ on the relation between means and goals that is to be computed in pure goal-tracking. The Simple View and mTgt differ only on what processes is responsible for identifying which outcome or outcomes the observed means is a best available way of achieving.
The Simple ViewMotor Theory of Goal-Tracking
What is the function to be computed?[Teleological Stance][Teleological Stance]
How is this function computed?By reasoning from knowledge.By using motor processes ‘in reverse’.
Why is goal-tracking limited by action ability????Because both rely on motor processes.

Use the method of signature limits to test the Motor Theory

See double_life_motor_representation_v2 from earlier


In conclusion, ...
An account of pure goal ascription is an account of how you could in principle infer facts about the goals to which actions are directed from facts about joint displacements, bodily configurations and their effects (e.g. sounds). Such an account is a computational theory of pure goal ascription.

pure goal ascription

Infer The Goals from The Evidence

The Goals: facts which goals particular actions are directed to...

The Evidence: facts about events and states of affairs that could be known without knowing which goals any particular actions are directed to, nor any facts about particular mental states ...