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How to get beyond intuition?
The launching effect: detecting a 50ms difference in the delay between two movements.
1. Illusory causal crescents
2. Adaptation
3. Apparent motion (Kim et al)
Kim et al 2013, S6
Kim et al 2013, figure 2
Kim et al 2013, figure 3
1. Illusory causal crescents
2. Adaptation?
3. Apparent motion
[see appendix]
1. Illusory causal crescents
2. Adaptation
3. Apparent motion (Kim et al)
Guess how the launching effect works ...
Thines et al (1991)
what did you see?
what did you see?
causal capture
Scholl and Nakayama 2004, figure 2 (part)
Scholl and Nakayama 2004, figure 4
Scholl and Nakayama 2004, figure 5
1. Illusory causal crescents
2. Adaptation
3. Apparent motion (Kim et al)
‘object perception reflects basic constraints on the motions of physical bodies …’
(Spelke 1990: 51)
‘A single system of knowledge … appears to underlie object perception and physical reasoning’
(Carey and Spelke 1994: 175)
Rips’ objection (2011, p. 92) [in appendix]
1. Illusory causal crescents
2. Adaptation
3. Apparent motion (Kim et al)
How to get beyond intuition?
The launching effect: detecting a 50ms difference in the delay between two movements.